Commission Info
Price List
- cleaned
-fully coloured and shaded
-simple backgroundsOPTIONS:
-Bust: 30USD / +25USD per additional character
-Halfbody: 45USD / +30USD per additional character
-Fullbody: 60USD / +45USD per additional character**
-Bust=upto the chest, may include hands
-Halfbody=upto the hip or thigh area
-Complex characters and included props will incur an extra charge depending on the complexity
(will be discussed during the inquiry process)
-Commissioners may also provide their own logo/graphic instead to use as a background
- sketchy, unrefined lines
-base colours/may include minimal shading
-simple backgroundsOPTIONS:
-Bust: 20USD / +15USD per additional character
-Halfbody: 30USD / +20USD per additional character
-Fullbody: 40USD / +35USD per additional character**
-Bust=upto the chest, may include hands
-Halfbody=upto the hip or thigh area
-bust up
-fully rendered in an anime inspired semi realistic style
-simple background
-may include one small propPRICE:
50USD per character**EXPERIMENTAL
-fully coloured and shaded
-figurine style platform or complex backgroundPRICE:
100USD base price
Complex characters and backgrounds/props will cost extra (ask for a quote)Each additional character will be +50USD**EXPERIMENTAL+LIMITED SLOTS
DM me on instagram or email me with the following info:
◦ Commission type: Including add-ons like additional characters, props etc◦ Character's name and age◦ References: Provide at least one clear and coloured visual reference (base colours preferred since shading can vary due to lighting);
I will not work solely with written descriptions. If you do not have a drawn reference, please either have a mood/visual board or other references ready◦ Brief description of the character's personality, any important details to keep in mind while drawing◦ Description of the relationship if asking for a couple commission◦ Preferred pose and expression (optional)